Inforgen Finance Features
Accounts receivable
Automatically generated Sales Invoices based on completed Sales Orders. Validate and approve invoices to be sent to customers, with the option of syncing Sales Invoices to Xero. (and exporting data for other finance packages) Ability to filter and find out who owes your business money through Debtor Reporting.Enquire >> -
Accounts payable
Automatically generated Purchase Invoices based on Purchase Orders completed. Validate and approve invoices for payment, with the option of syncing Purchase Invoices to Xero.Enquire >> -
Financial reporting
Inforgen comes with a number of Standard Financial Reports. These reports include: Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger, Debtor, Creditor as well as comprehensive Sales Invoice reporting.Enquire >> -
Management reporting
Inforgen comes with a number of standard Sales Management Reports. These reports include: Sales Analysis Reports, Sales Pipeline Reports, Enquiry & Quotation Reports, as well as comprehensive Gift Voucher reporting.Enquire >>
Manage by exception
Automated generation of Sales Invoices from Sales Order Processing
Sales Ledger with Sales Invoices, Payments and Credit Control
Purchase Ledger with Invoices, Supplier Payments, 3-way matching Approval process
Manage Inventory (Stock & Assets) levels and valuations
Configure the Product Catalogue (pricing, profitability) including integration to your Accounts package
Run Financial and Management Reports to analyse performance

Finance – simplified & robust